Winning RoboCup Junior OnStage World Championship

RoboticsMusicCompetitionRaspberry PiArduinoAltium Designer

I designed and built a robotic band to win the 2021 RoboCup OnStage Best Hardware award. This article explains the technical setup, challenges, and performance that led to my team's success.

Sat Sep 12 2020~688 hoursSat Jun 26 2021

In the summer of 2021, my team, DDStudio, represented Hungary in the RoboCup World Championship, competing in the OnStage category. Our task was to deliver a two-minute performance using robots we designed and built. We created a robotic band featuring an automated piano robot, a drum robot, a clapping robot, and an automated visual system. After winning the national round earlier that year, we advanced to the international competition, where we earned the World Championship title for Best Hardware.

The concept of a robotic band stemmed from our shared love of theater and musicals. With the pandemic limiting traditional performances, we saw an opportunity to bring music to RoboCup in a unique way. The robots were designed to play alongside us, as we performed on piano and guitar, combining human creativity with robotic precision.

The project's technical backbone was a Windows-based PC, which controlled the robots via Arduino microcontrollers. MIDI files were processed by custom software to generate arrays of notes and timings for each instrument. The piano robot used a slider mechanism with solenoids to press keys and a stepper motor for lateral movement, while the drum robot had individual solenoids for each drum and cymbal. Both systems used MOSFET circuits for control.

Originally, we planned to involve a jury member by having them play a drum sequence that the robots would replicate. However, due to the pandemic and the event being held online, we adapted by pre-programming the robots to perform alongside us. Despite the challenge, the robots played flawlessly, delivering a synchronized performance enhanced by a visual system using OBS-websocket.

After three days of competition, the jury unanimously awarded us Best Hardware. This recognition validated our months of work and showcased the potential of blending robotics with artistry. The experience taught us valuable lessons in engineering, creativity, and adaptability. While RoboCup marked the end of this project, it inspired us to keep exploring the intersection of technology and the arts.